Re: ZFS Root size keeps going down after upgrade to 13.2-release

From: Kaya Saman <>
Date: Mon, 21 Aug 2023 16:52:52 UTC
On 8/21/23 15:33, wrote:
>> On 21 Aug 2023, at 16:25, Kaya Saman <> wrote:
>> I just responded to Olivier above but I have managed to free up the necessary space by deleting all the snapshots:
>> df -h
>> Filesystem                              Size    Used   Avail Capacity  Mounted on
>> zroot/ROOT/default                       89G     36G     53G 41%    /
>> For some reason some of the snapshots were automatically 'cloned' and exactly as you suggested above there was a fair amount of space sharing between snapshots. This of course resulted in data being removed from the main snapshot but still remained on disk due another snapshot referencing that data....
>> Very confusing for an automated process but anyway, I have space again :-)
> Not entirely automatic. I think  they are leftovers from updating your server.
> The freebsd-update tool automatically  creates a new boot environment  when updating. That way you can  roll back  in case an update fails.
> If the update is successful and rollback is not needed any more you can delete these,
> 	Paul

Most probably... at least there is no harm in deleting things in any case.

Thanks so much again for all the help and assistance :-)

Best Regards,
