Re: ZFS failure while installing 12.3-RELEASE

From: David Christensen <>
Date: Sun, 01 May 2022 19:08:54 UTC
On 5/1/22 01:14, Karl Vogel wrote:
> Greetings,
> I just tried installing 12.3-RELEASE on a box that had been running Oracle
> Linux-7.9, and I got all the way through the install with no problems.
> I have 5 drives; 2 are identical WD 1-TB, 2 are identical WD 3-TB,
> and one Crucial SSD.
> The system found all the drives (including the SSD, to my surprise --
> it was connected via USB cable).  I set up a basic mirror on the two WD
> 1-TB drives, figuring I'd do the rest of the disk setup later -- I want
> a mirrored root filesystem but other things can go on the SSD.
> I got into my setup menu (Intel) and asked to boot from the DVD without
> changing the default boot order, which tries the disk first.  The install
> went fine, but when rebooting from the drive, I saw a ZFS failure:
>      Solaris: zroot/ROOT/default: can't open objset 108, error 6.
> It tried again after three seconds, no joy.  Reboot into single-user
> also fails, and trying rescue from the DVD only shows me the DVD itself;
> I don't have a writable root partition.  I can do ls and lsdev, and I
> see drives like ada0p4 and ada1p4 listed as ZFS, but I'm not sure what
> to do next.  Some suggestions I've found:
>      zpool status
>      zfs list
> Add the following to loader.conf:
>      vfs.zfs.debug="1"
>      boot_pause="YES"
>      geom_label_load="YES"
>      geom_part_gpt_load="YES"
> Tell the system more specifically what to load in /boot/loader.conf:
>      vfs.root.mountfrom="zfs:zroot"
> I have another system running FreeBSD-11.4 (no problems) and
> /boot/loader.conf contains:
>      kern.geom.label.disk_ident.enable="0"
>      kern.geom.label.gptid.enable="0"
>      zfs_load="YES"
>      accf_data_load="YES"
> The last suggestions I found were
>      zpool import -fR /mnt zroot
>      zpool get bootfs zroot
> If the "get" command didn't give me anything, try
>      zpool set zroot bootfs zroot
> I did the install under UEFI, and now I can't seem to get to my setup page
> at all -- pressing F2 or F10 during boot doesn't work like it used to.
> I'm very surprised; FreeBSD installations have always gone smoothly in
> the past.
> Any suggestions welcome.  Hoping I didn't somehow brick my system.
> --
> Karl Vogel / vogelke AT pobox DOT com / I don't speak for anyone at the moment
> To make error is human.  To propagate error to
> all server in automatic way is devops.           --If Borat worked in IT

I am wondering if you have a hardware problem.

What is the make and model of the computer or motherboard?

What drives are connected to what ports?

Assuming motherboard graphics, I would strip the motherboard down to the 
motherboard, CPU, and memory for troubleshooting.  If you do not have 
motherboard graphics, then also leave a graphics card.

Test the power supply with a hardware power supply tester.

Has the computer been unplugged and/or the power supply turned off for 
long periods of time?  If so, perhaps you should test or replace the 
CMOS battery.  Symptoms of a weak battery include CMOS checksum errors 
and CMOS settings changing or getting lost.  Getting locked out of Setup 
is another possibility.

Get the service manual and look for a "BIOS Configuration Jumper Block", 
or some such.  Use that to get into Setup and restore factory settings. 
  Note the following warning in my "IntelĀ® Desktop Board DQ67SW 
Technical Product Specification January 2011":


     Do not move the jumper with the power on. Always turn off the power
     and unplug the power cord from the computer before changing a jumper
     setting. Otherwise, the board could be damaged.

Is the firmware up to date?

Have you tested the CPU and memory with memtest86+?  For 24 hours?
