Re: Need for the nVidia Driver

From: Steve O'Hara-Smith <>
Date: Tue, 21 Jun 2022 09:33:06 UTC
On Mon, 20 Jun 2022 18:33:04 -0400
Jerry <> wrote:

> Probably a dumb question, but I will ask it anyway. I have a NVIDIA
> graphics card install on my system. If I never run "X" or any "GUI",
> does it make any sense to install the NVIDIA driver?

	If you do it will probably switch the console mode to a high
resolution one with lots of tiny text which you can change but 80x25 isn't
coming back. It will also provide access to the CUDA APIs if you want to use
the DSP for anything.

	You don't need it otherwise and won't miss it.

Steve O'Hara-Smith <>