Re: can't mount USB disk

From: Gary Aitken <>
Date: Thu, 13 Jan 2022 03:56:39 UTC
On 1/12/22 1:34 PM, Dale Scott wrote:
> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "freebsd" <> To: "freebsd-questions" 
>> <> Sent: Wednesday, January 12, 2022 
>> 1:09:52 PM Subject: can't mount USB disk
> Hi Gary, here are my notes from the last time I had to do the same 
> (fwiw it was probably a 16GB device)
> 1. Install fusefs-ntfs

Thanks, that did the trick.

> 3. Mount drive (read-only here, uncertain if writing to NTFS is as confident as on Linux)

I would like to clean up some stuff on that drive but given your note
I guess I guess I will do that from a linux system.
When plugged into a win7 system the device doesn't show up as a labelled
(i.e. bigletter:\) drive, so I can't easily delete things on the win7
system; not sure why that is.  windows-backup seems to identify it ok and
chooses it for backup.  All pretty scary.  It's as if once set up as
a windows-backup device, it's forever a windows-backup device and can't be
used for anything else, despite the fact that it has some "normal" directory
hierarchies on it.

Anyway, thanks.
