what am I missing RE: freebsd-update?

From: paul beard <paulbeard_at_gmail.com>
Date: Thu, 01 Dec 2022 15:35:43 UTC
I am running 12.3-RELEASE-p6 and ran freebsd-update fetch and
freebsd-update install and I get this after the cycle ran:

No updates needed to update system to 12.3-RELEASE-p10.
No updates are available to install.

I have rebooted, thinking that it was necessary to load a new kernel and
all the bits. Still on p6…

I see this in /boot so something happened…I guess p10 was released on Sep
drwxr-xr-x  2 root  wheel   20480 Sep 29 07:17 kernel
drwxr-xr-x  2 root  wheel   20480 Dec  1 06:52 kernel.old

All new .ko stuff there as well. So why is the old kernel dated today but
not what I assume to be the new one if all the ko files are dated today.

How do I get freebsd-update to actually install updates? The man page
doesn't help me very much.

Paul Beard / www.paulbeard.org/