[Bug 276319] [META] Deprecate/Expire Django 3.2 and switch to Django 4.2

From: <bugzilla-noreply_at_freebsd.org>
Date: Sat, 27 Apr 2024 09:10:41 UTC

--- Comment #8 from commit-hook@FreeBSD.org ---
A commit in branch main references this bug:


commit 680c68fd4d6975dcfd20b2b74fd5dcfc53cdf233
Author:     Kai Knoblich <kai@FreeBSD.org>
AuthorDate: 2024-04-27 08:45:13 +0000
Commit:     Kai Knoblich <kai@FreeBSD.org>
CommitDate: 2024-04-27 09:08:48 +0000

    *: Switch consumers over to Django 4.2

    Django 3.2 reached its End-of-Life on 1st April 2024 and Django 4.2 is
    the new LTS (= Long Term Support) release which will be supported until
    April 2026.

    * Switch most ports that use www/py-django32 to www/py-django42.

    * Ports that are not compatible with Django 3.2 have already been set
      with an expiration date were not taken into account.

    * Bump PORTREVISION due dependency change where necessary.

    PR:             276319
    Reviewed by:    dvl, grembo, ultima
    Approved by:    bofh (implicit), dvl, grembo, Kevin Golding, sunpoet,
                    ultima, maintainer timeout (remaining maintainers)
    Differential Revision:  https://reviews.freebsd.org/D44637

 devel/py-applicationinsights/Makefile         | 2 +-
 devel/py-django-rq/Makefile                   | 4 ++--
 devel/py-eventlib/Makefile                    | 4 ++--
 devel/py-factory-boy/Makefile                 | 2 +-
 devel/py-graphene-django/Makefile             | 4 ++--
 devel/py-hypothesis/Makefile                  | 4 ++--
 devel/py-logan/Makefile                       | 4 ++--
 devel/py-openapi-core/Makefile                | 3 ++-
 devel/py-semantic-version/Makefile            | 2 +-
 devel/py-strawberry-graphql/Makefile          | 4 ++--
 graphics/py-django-easy-thumbnails/Makefile   | 6 +++---
 graphics/py-sorl-thumbnail/Makefile           | 3 ++-
 mail/py-django-mailman3/Makefile              | 3 ++-
 security/py-first-server/Makefile             | 4 ++--
 textproc/py-pytkdocs/Makefile                 | 2 +-
 www/py-dj-database-url/Makefile               | 3 ++-
 www/py-django-allauth/Makefile                | 3 ++-
 www/py-django-annoying/Makefile               | 4 ++--
 www/py-django-assets/Makefile                 | 4 ++--
 www/py-django-auth-ldap/Makefile              | 3 ++-
 www/py-django-bitfield/Makefile               | 3 ++-
 www/py-django-bleach/Makefile                 | 3 ++-
 www/py-django-bootstrap3/Makefile             | 3 ++-
 www/py-django-braces/Makefile                 | 4 ++--
 www/py-django-cacheops/Makefile               | 3 ++-
 www/py-django-choices-field/Makefile          | 3 ++-
 www/py-django-classy-tags/Makefile            | 3 ++-
 www/py-django-cms/Makefile                    | 3 ++-
 www/py-django-configurations/Makefile         | 5 +++--
 www/py-django-constance/Makefile              | 3 ++-
 www/py-django-contact-form/Makefile           | 3 ++-
 www/py-django-contrib-comments/Makefile       | 4 ++--
 www/py-django-cors-headers/Makefile           | 3 ++-
 www/py-django-crispy-forms/Makefile           | 3 ++-
 www/py-django-cron/Makefile                   | 3 ++-
 www/py-django-csp/Makefile                    | 3 ++-
 www/py-django-debreach/Makefile               | 2 +-
 www/py-django-debug-toolbar/Makefile          | 3 ++-
 www/py-django-dpaste/Makefile                 | 3 ++-
 www/py-django-extensions/Makefile             | 3 ++-
 www/py-django-filer/Makefile                  | 3 ++-
 www/py-django-filter/Makefile                 | 3 ++-
 www/py-django-formset-js-improved/Makefile    | 4 ++--
 www/py-django-graphiql-debug-toolbar/Makefile | 4 ++--
 www/py-django-guardian/Makefile               | 3 ++-
 www/py-django-hashid-field/Makefile           | 3 ++-
 www/py-django-haystack/Makefile               | 4 ++--
 www/py-django-hijack/Makefile                 | 3 ++-
 www/py-django-htmx/Makefile                   | 3 ++-
 www/py-django-jquery-js/Makefile              | 4 ++--
 www/py-django-js-asset/Makefile               | 3 ++-
 www/py-django-jsonview/Makefile               | 4 ++--
 www/py-django-markdownx/Makefile              | 3 ++-
 www/py-django-model-utils/Makefile            | 3 ++-
 www/py-django-modelcluster/Makefile           | 3 ++-
 www/py-django-mptt/Makefile                   | 3 ++-
 www/py-django-netfields/Makefile              | 3 ++-
 www/py-django-otp/Makefile                    | 3 ++-
 www/py-django-permissionedforms/Makefile      | 3 ++-
 www/py-django-photologue/Makefile             | 3 ++-
 www/py-django-picklefield/Makefile            | 5 +++--
 www/py-django-polymorphic/Makefile            | 4 ++--
 www/py-django-post_office/Makefile            | 3 ++-
 www/py-django-prometheus/Makefile             | 3 ++-
 www/py-django-pyscss/Makefile                 | 3 ++-
 www/py-django-ranged-response/Makefile        | 4 ++--
 www/py-django-recaptcha/Makefile              | 3 ++-
 www/py-django-redis/Makefile                  | 3 ++-
 www/py-django-registration-redux/Makefile     | 3 ++-
 www/py-django-registration/Makefile           | 3 ++-
 www/py-django-reversion/Makefile              | 3 ++-
 www/py-django-rich/Makefile                   | 3 ++-
 www/py-django-sekizai/Makefile                | 3 ++-
 www/py-django-simple-captcha/Makefile         | 3 ++-
 www/py-django-simple-history/Makefile         | 3 ++-
 www/py-django-smart-selects/Makefile          | 3 ++-
 www/py-django-solo/Makefile                   | 3 ++-
 www/py-django-sortedm2m/Makefile              | 4 ++--
 www/py-django-star-ratings/Makefile           | 4 ++--
 www/py-django-statici18n/Makefile             | 3 ++-
 www/py-django-storages/Makefile               | 3 ++-
 www/py-django-tables2/Makefile                | 3 ++-
 www/py-django-tagging/Makefile                | 4 ++--
 www/py-django-taggit/Makefile                 | 3 ++-
 www/py-django-tastypie/Makefile               | 4 ++--
 www/py-django-templatetag-sugar/Makefile      | 4 ++--
 www/py-django-timezone-field/Makefile         | 3 ++-
 www/py-django-tinymce/Makefile                | 3 ++-
 www/py-django-treebeard/Makefile              | 5 +++--
 www/py-django-unfold/Makefile                 | 3 ++-
 www/py-django-webpack-loader/Makefile         | 3 ++-
 www/py-django-widget-tweaks/Makefile          | 3 ++-
 www/py-djangocms-admin-style/Makefile         | 3 ++-
 www/py-djangoql/Makefile                      | 3 ++-
 www/py-djangorestframework/Makefile           | 3 ++-
 www/py-djangosaml2/Makefile                   | 3 ++-
 www/py-drf-spectacular-sidecar/Makefile       | 3 ++-
 www/py-drf-spectacular/Makefile               | 3 ++-
 www/py-drf-yasg/Makefile                      | 3 ++-
 www/py-enmerkar/Makefile                      | 4 ++--
 www/py-horizon/Makefile                       | 3 ++-
 www/py-jsonfield/Makefile                     | 4 ++--
 www/py-postorius/Makefile                     | 3 ++-
 www/py-social-auth-app-django/Makefile        | 2 +-
 www/py-spyne/Makefile                         | 2 +-
 www/py-strawberry-graphql-django/Makefile     | 3 ++-
 www/py-swapper/Makefile                       | 4 ++--
 www/py-webargs/Makefile                       | 2 +-
 www/seahub/Makefile                           | 6 +++---
 109 files changed, 215 insertions(+), 142 deletions(-)

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