PRs on lang/julia (committer needed)

From: Hiroo Ono <>
Date: Sat, 16 Mar 2024 06:12:08 UTC

There are three open PR on lang/julia.

The bug #276112 addresses the buil breakage by adding
LDFLAGS+=	-Wl,--undefined-version
which is just a band-aid solution.

The problem with the version script of lang/julia 1.9.4 is that is uses
the same version script for two libraries and a executable. It result in
having superfluous symbol name for each of the library or executable.
I addressed this problem by separating the version script in bug 277697.
I should have followed up bug 276112 instead of submitting bug 277697,
but I did not realize it was there when I submitted it.

The bug 276113 is separate problem, but I merged it in bug 277697.

So, is there any committer working on bug 277697 please? Then above
three bug can be all closed.
Hiroo Ono <>