KSH Alignment

From: Cy Schubert <Cy.Schubert_at_cschubert.com>
Date: Fri, 23 Feb 2024 15:54:40 UTC

Would there be any interest in either replacing shells/pdksh with 
shells/ksh as our default ksh dependency? Or Uses/ksh.mk to select a 
default ksh for ports?

The reason I ask is, shells/ksh has its lineage from the original AT&T ksh 
(shells/ksh93) and is being actively developed (see shells/ksh-devel). 
shells/ksh upstream is also the ksh imported into and used by CDE 

My position is, I'd prefer a Uses/ksh.mk. If people are interested, I'm 
willing to put this task on my todo list.

Cy Schubert <Cy.Schubert@cschubert.com>
FreeBSD UNIX:  <cy@FreeBSD.org>   Web:  https://FreeBSD.org
NTP:           <cy@nwtime.org>    Web:  https://nwtime.org
