Re: Ports for C64 cross-development (here: exomizer)

From: Chris <>
Date: Thu, 05 Jan 2023 18:58:50 UTC
On 2022-12-28 07:51, Felix Palmen wrote:
> Hi all!
> As we all know, FreeBSD is a "general-purpose" OS. I guess this includes
> purposes you never thought of. One thing *I* use it for is
> cross-development for the good old - Commodore 64 - :)
> For this very special purpose, there are already ports available you
> will need. Of course, emulators/vice, the arguably best emulator for
> these old Commodore platforms, but what's important for cross-dev: it
> contains a "monitor" (similar to a debugger) that's plain superior to
> anything "native". Then, we also have more than just one cross-assembler
> targeting the 6502 CPU. My personal favorite is ca65, which comes with
> devel/cc65, a C(!) cross-compiler. Even when not using C, it features a
> linker that works very much like you know it from modern platforms, with
> memory-areas and segments you can define in a linker config.
> But then, there are also things missing. Very often, you will need a
> cruncher on the C64. The de-facto standard nowadays is "exomizer", which
> is kind of a "cross-cruncher": It crunches data on the PC and contains
> 6502-code you can easily integrate in your projects to decrunch it on
> the fly.
> For some years now, I have ports of exomizer2 and exomizer3 in my local
> ports tree. They are not very polished, just enough to work for me. But
> then, if we have cross-assemblers that are *only* useful to people who
> do cross-development for the C64 and similar ... why not go the full
> way?
> I therefore plan to "polish" my exomizer ports and get them into ports
> main. Are there any objections? Or maybe, would someone welcome to have
> these available?
Yes, please. This would make a great port. :-)

> Cheers, Felix