maintainer-feedback requested: [Bug 268296] ports-mgmt/pkg: pip-audit regularly shows vulnerabilities not reported by pkg audit

From: <>
Date: Sat, 10 Dec 2022 11:44:41 UTC
Bugzilla Automation <> has asked freebsd-pkg (Nobody)
<> for maintainer-feedback:
Bug 268296: ports-mgmt/pkg: pip-audit regularly shows vulnerabilities not
reported by pkg audit

--- Description ---
Not exactly a bug in "pkg" itself, and not a base system security issue:
I installed pip-audit from PyPI, at first inside a virtual env so that
I would be notified when issues were found, then I decided to try it
outside the venv.

Also: It would be a feature if pkg audit could report whether or not a
pkg upgrade is available that fixes a reported vulnerability.

mail% pkg audit
python39-3.9.15_1 is vulnerable:
  Python -- multiple vulnerabilities

1 problem(s) in 1 installed package(s) found.

mail% pip-audit 
Found 5 known vulnerabilities in 3 packages
Name	Version   ID		      Fix Versions
------- --------- ------------------- ------------
certifi 2022.9.24 GHSA-43fp-rhv2-5gv8 2022.12.7
pillow	9.2.0	  PYSEC-2022-42980    9.3.0
pillow	9.2.0	  OSV-2022-715
pillow	9.2.0	  OSV-2022-1074
py	1.11.0	  PYSEC-2022-42969
Name	Skip Reason
------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
sqlite3 Dependency not found on PyPI and could not be audited: sqlite3 (0.0.0)
tkinter Dependency not found on PyPI and could not be audited: tkinter (0.0.0)
mail% pkg vers | egrep 'py39-(certifi|pillow|py)-'
py39-certifi-2022.9.24		   =
py39-pillow-9.2.0		   =
py39-py-1.11.0			   =
mail% pkg vers | grep pkg
pkg-1.18.4			   =
mail% pkg vers | grep -v =
mail% uname -a
FreeBSD x.y.z 13.1-RELEASE-p3 FreeBSD 13.1-RELEASE-p3 GENERIC amd64