Re: issue with ng_vlan nomatch connected to the bridge

From: Benoit Chesneau <>
Date: Fri, 29 Apr 2022 07:53:44 UTC
> To quickly test, I created an interface added to the bridge that get its IP from DHCP: The IP is correctly given by the DHCP server, but I can't ping from the same server (the router with the DHCP server) to this device.
> ```
> # ngctl mkpeer public: eiface link2 ether
> # dhclient ngeth1
> DHCPDISCOVER on ngeth1 to port 67 interval 7
> DHCPREQUEST on ngeth1 to port 67
> DHCPACK from to -- renewal in 300 seconds.
> # ifconfig ngeth1
> ngeth1: flags=8843<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,SIMPLEX,MULTICAST> metric 0 mtu 1500
> options=28<VLAN_MTU,JUMBO_MTU>
> ether 58:9c:fc:10:c6:73
> inet netmask 0xffffff00 broadcast
> inet netmask 0xffffff00 broadcast
> inet6 fe80::5a9c:fcff:fe10:c673%ngeth1 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0xb
> media: Ethernet autoselect (1000baseT <full-duplex>)
> status: active nd6 options=21<PERFORMNUD,AUTO_LINKLOCAL>
> ```

correction, I can ping this IP, only link added to the bridge using vm is not pingagble:

# ngctl show public:
Name: public Type: bridge ID: 0000000d Num hooks: 3
Local hook Peer name Peer type Peer ID Peer hook
---------- --------- --------- ------- ---------
link3 <unnamed> socket 0000001c vmlink
link2 ngeth1 eiface 00000016 ether link0 vlan0 vlan 0000000a nomatch



the vm-bhyve log:

Apr 29 09:49:08: [bhyve options: -c 1 -m 2G -Hwl bootrom,/usr/local/share/uefi-firmware/BHYVE_UEFI_CSM.fd -U ac3dafab-bedb-11ec-b24d-1402ec690a80 -u]
Apr 29 09:49:08: [bhyve devices: -s 0,hostbridge -s 31,lpc -s 4:0,virtio-blk,/vms/utm/disk0.img -s 5:0,virtio-net,netgraph,path=bgpnet:,peerhook=link3,mac=58:9c:fc:02:3a:be -s 5:1,virtio-net,netgraph,path=public:,peerhook=link3,mac=58:9c:fc:00:6e:5a]Apr 29 09:49:08: [bhyve console: -l com1,stdio]Apr 29 09:49:08: [bhyve devices: -s 0,hostbridge -s 31,lpc -s 4:0,virtio-blk,/vms/utm/disk0.img -s 5:0,virtio-net,netgraph,path=bgpnet:,peerhook=link3,mac=58:9c:fc:02:3a:be -s 5:1,virtio-net,netgraph,path=public:,peerhook=link3,mac=58:9c:fc:00:6e:5a]Apr 29 09:49:08: [bhyve devices: -s 0,hostbridge -s 31,lpc -s 4:0,virtio-blk,/vms/utm/disk0.img -s 5:0,virtio-net,netgraph,path=bgpnet:,peerhook=link3,mac=58:9c:fc:02:3a:be -s 5:1,virtio-net,netgraph,path=public:,peerhook=link3,mac=58:9c:fc:00:6e:5a]