Re: Issues with Athlon 2400+ on A7V8X-X

From: Javi Hotmail <>
Date: Sun, 09 Apr 2023 01:30:44 UTC
Just a small update,

Looks like the problem is with the bootloader. Using GRUB2 from a usb to 
boot FBSD 13.1 works fine.

I didn't do an exhaustive check (I jumped from FBSD 12.4 to FBSD 8.4), 
and that one could boot from the bootloader.

Does anyone know how this could be debugged?



On 08/04/2023 12:36, Javi Hotmail wrote:
> Hello all,
> This is my first message on this ML. Previously I was only subscribed 
> on the FreeBSD-PPC, so I'm not sure if there is any protocol to this 
> ML that I'm skipping. Apologies in advance.
> Hardware:
> CPU: AMD Athlon 2400+
> M.board: A7V8X-X, bios 1014 beta 2 (I also tried with 1008)
> RAM: 2GB
> FreeBSD 13.1 refuses to move from initial bootloader menu. It loads 
> the kernel and modules and after that freezes completely (Ctrl + Alt + 
> Del doesn't work, powerbutton doesn't work).
> Linux boots and works perfectly, RAM has been memchecked whole night, 
> I've removed all the PCI cards and even the AGP card and same results 
> appears to occur.
> I tried booting from CD-ROM, and also I installed FBSD from another 
> computer (here it boots absolutely fine) and then attaching the HDD; 
> None of this approaches seems to work on this particular system.
> On a different note (it might be relevant) the USB keyboard seems to 
> become extremely unresponsive when moving around the bootloader (I 
> need to start pressing buttons until it starts responding, pretty odd 
> indeed).
> I'll start going backwards trying previous versions of FreeBSD to see 
> if I can make it boot at all. In the meantime I'd like to know:
> - What is the best way to diagnose this kind of issue?, is there any 
> verbose mode I can enable on the bootloader?
> - In case I need to start debugging, is there any approach to this? 
> (beyond attaching a JTAG to the board).
> Thank you very much in advance,
> Javier Bizcocho.