Re: FreeBSD financing

From: Laurent Jean <>
Date: Mon, 28 Nov 2022 17:18:23 UTC
Freedom is subjective.

FreeBSD probably has no issue integrating LLVM into their OS because it satisfies their idea of freedom, the freedom to reuse the software any way you like it.

GCC’s idea of freedom is that any improvements to the software should be made available freely.

This is fine for a project like FreeBSD, but it becomes a problem for the companies that use it, not just to Juniper.

I don’t believe that FreeBSD did it for corporate pressure, but simply because using LLVM is seen as an improvement in itself, to the distribution and its associated freedom.

FreeBSD wouldn’t be very free if they *expected* donations for their improvements, although donations likely have an impact on priorities of the project.


> Le 6 nov. 2022 à 10:05, Wojciech Puchar <> a écrit :
>> @Wojciech GNU General Public License (GPLv2) is a free software license. You may be frustrated but GPL has consistently delivered !
> No. Free means free. Doesn't need any extra requirements