Re: Out-of-swap killer and SIGTERM signal

From: Ambert <>
Date: Mon, 10 Jan 2022 13:59:32 UTC
On 2022-01-10, Eugene Grosbein <> wrote:
> Keep in mind that swap is optional feature and there are systems
> running without any swap configured.

If there is no swap installed on the computer, then the Out-of-swap
killer will be awaken in soft mode when there is less than 2 GiB of
free RAM left.

If there is only 0.7 GiB of swap installed on the computer, then the
Out-of-swap killer will be awaken in soft mode when there is less than
1.3 GiB of free RAM left.

The administrator can get the old behaviour (no soft mode) by letting
any of the two system-wide parameters to its default value (a grace
period of zero seconds, a grace space of zero bytes).
