TPM2 Support in bootloader / kernel in order to retrieve GELI passphrase

From: Stanislaw Adaszewski <>
Date: Sat, 27 Nov 2021 14:34:54 UTC
Dear All,

Could you please guide me so that we can together integrate
the following piece of work into the FreeBSD base system?
Thank you for your time and consideration.

I have created the following bundle of work [1]. The referenced
patch implements on top of releng/13.0, the support for TPM2
in the EFI bootloader and in the kernel in order to allow for
storage and retrievel of a GELI passphrase in a TPM2 module,
secured with a PCR policy.

The way the bootloader behavior is modified is the following:

1) before calling efipart_inithandles() an attempt to retrieve the
passphrase from a TPM2 module might be performed -
how this is achieved is described later on.
2) if a passphrase is indeed retrieved, then after determining
currdev, the currdev is checked for the presence of a
/.passphrase_marker file which must contain the same passphrase
as retrieved from the TPM. This is supposed to ensure that we
do not end up booting an environment not on the device we just
unlocked with the passphrase.
3a) If all is go, the autoboot_delay is set to -1 in order to prevent
any interaction and continue the boot process of the "safe" environment,
a 'kern.geom.eli.passphrase.from_tpm2.passphrase' variable is set
to the passphrase from TPM in order for kernel use later, as well as a
kern.geom.eli.passphrase.from_tpm2.was_retrieved'='1' variable.
3b) If the passphrase marker does not match, the bootloader cleans up
GELI keys, the TPM passphrase and kern.geom.eli.passphrase and exits.

The way the kernel behavior is modified is the following:

1) In init_main.c, after vfs_mountroot() a check is added
2a) If kern.geom.eli.passphrase.from_tpm2.was_retrieved is not
set to 1, then we do nothing and continue the boot process
2b) If the was_retrieved variable is set to '1' then we check for the
same passphrase marker as the bootloader, its content compared
against the 'kern.geom.eli.passphrase.from_tpm2.passphrase'
3a) If all is go, the passphrase variable is unset and the boot process
3c) If the passphrase marker does not match, we panic.

The configuration of the bootloader for this procedure looks the following:

1) We set an efivar KernGeomEliPassphraseFromTpm2NvIndex
to contain the TPM2 NV Index we store our passphrase in, e.g. 0x1000001
2) We set an efivar KernGeomEfiPassphraseFromTpm2PolicyPcr
to contain the PCR policy used to secure the passphrase, e.g.
3a) If both are set, the bootloader will attempt to retrieve the passphrase
and behave in the modified way described above
3b) Otherwise, it behaves as the vanilla version and will ask for GELI
passphrases if necessary

The configuration of the TPM and the passphrase marker looks the following:

1) echo -n "passphrase" >/.passphrase_marker
2) chmod 600 /.passphrase_marker
3) tpm2_createpolicy -L policy.digest --policy-pcr -l sha256:0,2,4,7
4) tpm2_nvdefine -Q 0x1000001 -s `wc -c /.passphrase_marker` -L
policy.digest -A "policyread|policywrite"
5) tpm2_nvwrite -Q 0x1000001 -i /.passphrase_marker -P pcr:sha256:0,2,4,7


Kind regards,
