NFS (Root) screwed - no mount -uw, fsck reports a "/dev/" before address

From: Bjoern A. Zeeb <>
Date: Fri, 27 Jan 2023 13:35:48 UTC

I was AWOL for a few days and rebased my dev tree to 0bd4c448ec1dfdc2300a6cacca42e1fc7c4d8f14.
I updated kernel and world and etcupdated and now my NFS ROOT bhyve clients I use for testing no longer work.

Here's an exmaple of one:

mount -uw /

on boot complains:

Starting file system checks:
af 1 sotype 1 not supported
Mounting root filesystem rw failed, startup aborted
ERROR: ABORTING BOOT (sending SIGTERM to parent)!

and drops into single user shell.

Manually mounting the same nfs root r/w works on top but going back to
rc the mount -uw will fail again (for no proper checking if it is r/w).

For fun I tried to issue a fsck on the nfs root and found:

root@:/ # fsck -y /
fsck: cannot open `/dev/': No such file or directory
root@:/ #

That would explain why mount_nfs thinks this is a AF_UNIX and not AF_INET.

Anyone know which late change caused this before I start a bisect?


Bjoern A. Zeeb                                                     r15:7