RE: zfs with operations like rm -rf takes a very long time recently

From: Mark Millard <>
Date: Sun, 16 Oct 2022 15:42:00 UTC
void <> wrote on
Date: Sun, 16 Oct 2022 13:57:04 UTC :

> Has anything recently changed in -current that would make file operations 
> on zfs such as rm -rf *.* very slow?
> What would I look for and how would I test it?
> system is FreeBSD 14.0-CURRENT #5 main-n258595-226e41467ee1 on arm64.aarch64
> using GENERIC-NODEBUG kernel.
> the zfs is zroot on usb3 on a raspberry pi4 8GB. there appears to be plenty 
> of resources. cpu speed is 2.1GHz. zroot is external usb3 hd.
> Right now it's rm -rf-ing /var/cache/ccache/* which is 5GB max and it's taken 
> over 10 mins. It was never this slow. No errors in /var/log/messages and none 
> yet in smartd. zpool scrub last ran successfully 3 days ago.
> last pid:  4324;  load averages:  0.17,  0.10,  0.12                                                      up 0+02:10:34  14:40:55
> 77 processes:  1 running, 76 sleeping
> CPU:  1.6% user,  0.0% nice,  1.9% system,  0.2% interrupt, 96.4% idle
> Mem: 550M Active, 803M Inact, 2224M Wired, 40K Buf, 4239M Free
> ARC: 1293M Total, 381M MFU, 725M MRU, 1124K Anon, 30M Header, 156M Other
>      938M Compressed, 1906M Uncompressed, 2.03:1 Ratio
> Swap: 16G Total, 16G Free
> Process id to show (+ for all): 
>  3871 root          1  20    0    12M  3648K zio->i   2   0:10   0.39% rm
>   353 _pflogd       1  20    0    13M  2108K bpf      1   0:00   0.00% pflogd
>  1441 mailnull      1  28    0    25M  9508K select   3   0:01   0.00% exim

"The Design and Implementation of the FreeBSD Operating System"
2nd Ed. says about ZFS (page 548):

"Like all non-overwriting filesystems, ZFS operates best
when at least a quarter of its disk pool is free. Write
throughout becomes poor when the pool gets too full. By
contrast, UFS can run well to 95 percent full and acceptably
to 99 percent full."

And page 549 says:

"ZFS was designed to manage and operate enormous filesystems
easily, which it does well. Its design assumed that it would
have many fast 64-bit CPUs with large amounts of memory to
support these enormous filesystems. When these resources are
available, it works really well. However, it is not designed
for or well suited to run on resource-constrained system using
32-bit CPUs with less than 8 Gbyte of memory and one small,
nearly-full disk, which is typical of many embedded systems."

(Note the full-disk part and 8 GiByte being at the low end of
the RAM size range.)

Page 523 says:

"ZFS takes advantage of the abundant processor power available
with current multi-core CPUs. Because they are much faster than
storage, ZFS can afford to checksum everything."

The book is not explicit about RAM subsystem performance
tradeoffs for ZFS. One property of the RPi4B's is that they
have very small RAM caches and one core can saturate the
memory subsystem if the RAM caches are being fairly
ineffective overall. In such contexts, multi-core need not
cut the time things take. (But I've no clue how likely such
conditions would be for your context.) A cache-busting
access pattern over much more than 1 MiByte memory range
drops the RPi4B performance greatly compared to such an
access pattern fitting in a 1 MiByte or smaller range --no
matter if it is 1 core or more cores that is/are trying to
be active.

Independent of all that, something like:

# gstat -spod

would likely be interesting to monitor at during a time-taking
"rm -fr" .

I do not know if the "rm -fr" is deleting a lot of files that
also have unchanged content in a snapshot. Such files are not
actually deleted. The information about where the file should
be visible is adjusted instead, leaving the snapshot copy(s)
available for access. Such adds to the disk space usage by
writing more metadata without deleting the snapshot related

Mark Millard
marklmi at