Re: ZFS on high-latency devices

From: Johannes Totz <>
Date: Thu, 19 Aug 2021 23:16:28 UTC
On 19/08/2021 10:37, Peter Jeremy wrote:
> I'm looking at backing up my local ZFS pools to a remote system
> without the remote system having access to the pool content.  The
> options for the backup pools seem to be:
> a) Use OpenZFS native encryption with ZFS running on the remote system
>     backed up using "zfs send --raw".
> b) Run ZFS over geli locally over geom_gate[1] to the remote system.
> The first approach removes RTT as an issue but requires that the local
> pools first be converted to native encryption - a process that seems
> to be generously defined as "very difficult".
> The second approach removes the need to encrypt the local pool but
> is far more sensitive to RTT issues and I've been unable to get
> a reasonable throughput.  The main problems I've found are:
> * Even with a quite high write aggregation limit, I still get lots of
>    relatively small writes.
> * Snapshot boundaries appear to wait for all queued writes to be flushed.
> I've found but I
> can't get the procedure to work.  "zfs send" of a zvol seems to bear
> very little resemblance to a "zfs send" of a "normal" filesystem.
> Sending a zvol, I can't get ndirty _down_ to the suggested 70-80%,
> whereas with (eg) my mail spool, I can't get ndirty _up_ to the
> suggested 70-80%.  And most of the suggested adjustments are system-
> wide so the suggested changes are likely to adversely impact local
> ZFS performance.
> Does anyone have any suggestions as to a way forward?  Either a
> reliable process to encrypt an existing pool or a way to improve
> throughput doing "zfs recv" to a pool with a high RTT.

Do you have geli included in those perf tests? Any difference if you 
leave it out?

What's making the throughout slow? zfs issuing a bunch of small writes 
and then trying to read something (unrelated)? Is there just not enough 
data to be written to saturate the link?

Totally random thought: there used to be a vdev cache (not sure if 
that's still around) that would inflate read requests to hopefully drag 
in more data that might be useful soon.

Have you tried hastd?