Fwd: [RISC-V tech-announce] Launching Cloud-V CI platform

From: Tomek CEDRO <tomek_at_cedro.info>
Date: Thu, 26 Jan 2023 19:47:57 UTC
Hello world :-)

Some online platform showed up, alpha stage, based on qemu + ci, they
also mention real hardware hifive visionfive2 and hifive unleashed,
that may be helpful in testing FreeBSD on RISC-V..?

Best regards :-)

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Ali Tariq
Date: Thu, Jan 26, 2023 at 5:48 PM
Subject: [RISC-V tech-announce] Launching Cloud-V CI platform

Hi all,
I am delighted to announce that here at 10xEngineers (which is a
partner of riscv-labs subgroup), we have launched an online CI
platform called Cloud-V for testing RISC-V applications. Developers
who are working on developing RISC-V applications or porting
applications to RISC-V architecture, will be able to test their
applications on Cloud-V. Cloud-V supports QEMU (User mode and with
RISC-V Linux) and RISC-V hardware boards (hifive visionfive 2 and
hifive unleashed) and is integrated with version control systems. We
are currently looking for alpha developers who can test and build
applications on Cloud-V.

Links you can visit:
Cloud-V page: https://cloud-v.co/
Cloud-V Documentation: https://10x-engineers.github.io/riscv-ci-partners/
Cloud-V Developer's Guide:
Cloud-V Dashboard: https://dash.cloud-v.co
Contact: ali.tariq@10xengineers.ai

Ali (10xEngineers)

CeDeROM, SQ7MHZ, http://www.tomek.cedro.info