Re: storcli: howto crossflash Fujitsu PRAID400i to LSI3008 HBA?

From: Mathieu Chouquet-Stringer <>
Date: Wed, 23 Jun 2021 15:15:22 UTC

On Wed, Jun 23, 2021 at 01:04:59PM +0200, O. Hartmann wrote:
> I have a bunch of Fujitsu PRAID400i Controller from some servers we switch to
> FreeBSD driven systems and ZFS. I will not use RAID controllers with ZFS so I
> tried to cross flash these controllers, but without any success. The DOS tools
> I use produce on several mainboards a PAL error. The motherboard's UEFI I
> uitilise doesn't provide a UEFI shell, so at that point it seems I'm stuck. I
> found the FreeBSD port storcli, but the tool doesn't crossflash - or it doesn't
> reveal its magic knobs to do so.

You can download an UEFI shell online and use it to boot on a USB
thumbstick or something.

I've used that in the past to update multiple IBM M1215 and a 9400-8i8e.
Mathieu Chouquet-Stringer
            The sun itself sees not till heaven clears.
	             -- William Shakespeare --