[Bug 256416] keymaps: fix for ABNT2 not working as expected

From: <bugzilla-noreply_at_freebsd.org>
Date: Wed, 09 Jun 2021 04:42:33 UTC

--- Comment #4 from Neebz <vpguyrhpjltta@logicstreak.com> ---
Sorry, i didn't know that both were to ABNT2, if both are for ABNT2 i see no
problem to maintain these options as long as they are described as Brazilian
ABNT2+something the way it's common for US brazilians (and maybe something like
br.abnt2 and br.abnt2.nodk or something for no dead keys on rc.conf).

Again, don't get me wrong please, it's not about "do it as this other system"
but to make something natural for US, that we can imediately recognize and
doesn't sound alien to brazilians.

I am asking for the change to help some friends who use these shortcuts and
they are learning FreeBSD right now, the forum member T-Daemon is the one who
deserves the credit for providing me this patch, i was just reporting the lack
of this function. 

And he said: "No cruzeiro sign. Unicode hex 0x20a2 for ₢ has no effect in
console, only a rectangle is printed. The cruzeiro sign is not alone, many of
the currency symbols are not displayed."

Maybe there is no need for cruzeiro sign on console nowadays but i think that
the "/" and "?" shorcuts can be essential for some programmers here.

Thank you for your attention and I hope this can be included and it helps those
who need

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