Re: devel/llvm13 failed to reclaim memory on 8 GB Pi4 running -current

From: Mark Millard <>
Date: Sun, 05 Jun 2022 00:28:07 UTC
On 2022-Jun-4, at 14:49, Marcin Cieslak <> wrote:

> On Fri, 28 Jan 2022, Mark Millard wrote:
> [ Reviving old thread ]
>> After that I intend runs with 30 GiBytes of swap (so RAM+SWAP 38 GiBytes).
>> Hopefully that will complete and I'll be able to report how much swap was
>> observed to have been used.
> I thought I will get LLVM14 + OpenJDK built quickly so I fired up
> a c6g.4xlarge AWS instance (16 vCPUs, 32 GB RAM),
> or even c6g.8xlarge (32 vCPUs, 64 GB RAM) and even these
> are unable to build llvm14 under FreeBSD 13.1-RELEASE
> with poudrière enabling MAKE_JOBS for llvm build.

It depends on the build options. Do you need fortran,
a.k.a. flang ?

Building flang requires building MLIR because building
flang uses MLIR. Without needing flang, both can normally
be turned off.

flang does not build for armv7 and other 32-bit environments,
so recently the /usr/ports/devel/llvm14/Makefile was modified
to not have flang as a default for armv7 (or armv6). My
understanding, the intent is to later also turn off MLIR
for these.

I have built devel/llvm14 with FLANG and MLIR disabled on
a 8 GiByte RPi4B in an armv7 poudriere jail. This was
as part of an ongoing "bulk -a -c" on the RPi4B. (I will
not be able to let it run to completion but am testing
how things go until I stop it.)  The below notes are
somewhat biased by my also having used BE_NATIVE for the
devel/llvm14 build:

---Begin OPTIONS List---
===> The following configuration options are available for llvm14-14.0.2:
    BE_AMDGPU=on: AMD GPU backend (required by mesa)
    BE_WASM=on: WebAssembly backend (required by firefox via wasi)
    CLANG=on: Build clang
    DOCS=on: Build and/or install documentation
    EXTRAS=on: Extra clang tools
    LIT=on: Install lit and FileCheck test tools
    LLD=on: Install lld, the LLVM linker
    LLDB=on: Install lldb, the LLVM debugger
    MLIR=off: Multi-Level Intermediate Representation
    PYCLANG=on: Install python bindings to libclang
====> Options available for the single BACKENDS: you have to select exactly one of them
    BE_FREEBSD=off: Backends for FreeBSD architectures
    BE_NATIVE=on: Backend(s) for this architecture (ARM)
    BE_STANDARD=off: All non-experimental backends
===> Use 'make config' to modify these settings
---End OPTIONS List---

The RPi4B has 4 cores and I had poudriere using 4 builders
and ALLOW_MAKE_JOBS= with no explicit constraint on the make
jobs per builder, so implicitly 4. Thus it can have periods
with load averages around 16 when when things do as I said
to do. (Some ports do not limit themselves to the HWthread
count.) Result:

[54:41:45] [01] [13:40:48] Finished devel/llvm14 | llvm14-14.0.2: Success

Note that that is with 2 GiBytes of RAM per core, the
same ratio that your report indicates.

I will also report that I used a UFS context, not ZFS,
and that my patched top indicated little swap usage
during any of my "bulk -a -c" atttempt so far. (The
top tracks and reports various MaxObs???? figures,
i.e., "Maximum Observed" figures.)

My environments do have /boot/loader.conf ,
/etc/sysctl.conf , and /usr/local/etc/poudriere.conf
settings appropriate to avoiding OOM kills for long
running [but bounded duration] build activity for the
hardware that I have access to --and that is also
part of why I prefer UFS for 2 GiBytes/HWthread for
doing builds.

(I do have access to 3 systems with 4 GiBytes
per HWthread and on 2 of them I normally use
ZFS, including for build activity.)

> The build proceeds on 1 CPU only now

Such was not true of my build reported above.
Using one core at a time, the RPi4B would have
taken much longer to do the build.

> - and casual observation
> with top confirms that compilation of certain C++ files
> requires 7..8 GB of RAM.

My understanding is that such has a known status for
flang/MLIR being in use.

> If 16 of them are built concurrently,
> no wonder that there is not enough memory.
> Files tha crashed my compiliation:
> /wrkdirs/usr/ports/devel/llvm14/work/llvm-project-14.0.4.src/flang/lib/Evaluate/tools.cpp
> /wrkdirs/usr/ports/devel/llvm14/work/llvm-project-14.0.4.src/clang/lib/Sema/SemaOpenMP.cpp
> /wrkdirs/usr/ports/devel/llvm14/work/llvm-project-14.0.4.src/flang/lib/Semantics/check-omp-structure.cpp
> /wrkdirs/usr/ports/devel/llvm14/work/llvm-project-14.0.4.src/flang/lib/Evaluate/fold-integer.cpp

You do not report the related console messages related (or
dmsg -a output or /var/log/messages content). I can think
of multiple distinct possibilities for the reports that
would have different implications. (But such need not be
of any importance for you.)

I see 3 /flang/ paths in the list of 4 paths, not surprising.

(Your /usr/ports/ context is more recent than mine.)

> Sure, poudrière could get Kubernetes-like capabilities to control
> resources during the build one day, but aren't amounts of memory
> needed to build the compiler excessive a bit?

"the compiler" ignores a fair mount of what is built.
Part of what I'm suggesting above is to configure
the devel/llvm14 build to build fewer compilers/toolchains
(no flang, no MLIR). You might not want, say, EXTRAS, or
some other things I have "on". BE_NATIVE may not fit
your usage context well but BE_FREEBSD could be considered.
And so on.

Hopefully my notes above are of some use unless
you are required to use the default OPTIONS.

Side note:

The RPi4B bulk actually built llvm13 and rust with
a vast part of the time frames overlapping and other
things going through the other 2 builders.

It later worked on llvm12, ghc, and suitesparse-graphblas
with the vast part of the time being overlapped. Again:
all 4 builders doing something. (suitesparse-graphblas
does not last as many hours as the other 2.)

No kernel OOM process kills. Under 300 MiByte swap used
at any point.

(ghc's haddock runs out of 32-bit process memory in
a normal core-dump way, towards the end the ghc build,
so ghc failed. But the build had been going for most
of 24 hours before that point, as had llvm12.)

Mark Millard
marklmi at