Re: git: 076002f24d35 - main - Do comprehensive UFS/FFS superblock integrity checks when reading a superblock.

From: David Wolfskill <>
Date: Mon, 30 May 2022 23:11:14 UTC
On Mon, May 30, 2022 at 03:53:29PM -0700, Cy Schubert wrote:
> ...
> I don't think this is a filesystem problem. All my / filesystems trace 
> their ancestry back to the same machine decades ago. All were cloned at one 
> point using dump | restore. All were newfs'd at some point to update from 
> 8K blocks to 16K and eventually 32K blocksize, either using my USB rescue 
> disk or a little bit of geom_mirror musical chairs. All four machines are 
> consistently set up the same as each other (as much as possible considering 
> different hardware and mirrors, except for the laptop which has a single 
> disk).

I'm not disagreeing with you. :-)

Providing the FS image (to Toomas) was a diagnostic aid: using it, he
was able to reproduce the issue in his test-scaffolding environment, and
was having some "quality time with gdb" before he needed to do other
things (probably involving sleep).

> ....

David H. Wolfskill                    
"Putin is a paranoid dictator.  Putin must go. He started a senseless war
and is leading Russia into a ditch." - Egor Polyakov & Alexandra Miroshnikova

See for my public key.