Re: git: 775dc097cf9d - main - devel/rubygem-google-protobuf: udpate to 3.22.2

From: Matthias Fechner <>
Date: Wed, 19 Apr 2023 12:17:00 UTC
Dear Sunpoet,

Am 13.04.2023 um 06:55 schrieb Matthias Fechner:
> Am 12.04.2023 um 19:53 schrieb Po-Chuan Hsieh:
>> Once again.
>> Please stop committing changes to my (and others') ports without 
>> maintainer approval.
>> It is not the first time and I've reminded you many times.
> is it ok to MFH these commits? 

could you please be so kind and answer with yes or no and do not just 
ignore me?

Thanks a lot.



"Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to
build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the universe trying to
produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the universe is winning." --
Rich Cook