git: ebd41c653fa0 - main - devel/py-zope.datetime: Fix build with setuptools 58.0.0+

From: Po-Chuan Hsieh <>
Date: Fri, 25 Mar 2022 13:50:21 UTC
The branch main has been updated by sunpoet:


commit ebd41c653fa0d480ef6ddeb2617637c1758447b7
Author:     Po-Chuan Hsieh <>
AuthorDate: 2022-03-25 13:32:29 +0000
Commit:     Po-Chuan Hsieh <>
CommitDate: 2022-03-25 13:38:14 +0000

    devel/py-zope.datetime: Fix build with setuptools 58.0.0+
    With hat:       python
 devel/py-zope.datetime/files/patch-2to3 | 167 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 167 insertions(+)

diff --git a/devel/py-zope.datetime/files/patch-2to3 b/devel/py-zope.datetime/files/patch-2to3
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..085d5e1234e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/py-zope.datetime/files/patch-2to3
@@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
+--- src/zope/datetime/	2011-11-29 16:29:14 UTC
++++ src/zope/datetime/
+@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ i=int(yr-1)
+ to_year =int(i*365+i/4-i/100+i/400-693960.0)
+ to_month=tm[yr%4==0 and (yr%100!=0 or yr%400==0)][mo]
+ EPOCH  =(to_year+to_month+dy+(hr/24.0+mn/1440.0+sc/86400.0))*86400
+-jd1901 =2415385L
++jd1901 =2415385
+ numericTimeZoneMatch=re.compile(r'[+-][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]').match #TS
+@@ -282,7 +282,7 @@ class _cache:
+     def __init__(self):
+         self._db = _data
+-        self._d, self._zidx= {}, self._zmap.keys()
++        self._d, self._zidx= {}, list(self._zmap.keys())
+     def __getitem__(self,k):
+         try:   n=self._zmap[k.lower()]
+@@ -337,28 +337,28 @@ def _calcDependentSecond(tz, t):
+     # Calculates the timezone-dependent second (integer part only)
+     # from the timezone-independent second.
+     fset = _tzoffset(tz, t)
+-    return fset + long(math.floor(t)) + long(EPOCH) - 86400L
++    return fset + int(math.floor(t)) + int(EPOCH) - 86400
+ def _calcDependentSecond2(yr,mo,dy,hr,mn,sc):
+     # Calculates the timezone-dependent second (integer part only)
+     # from the date given.
+     ss = int(hr) * 3600 + int(mn) * 60 + int(sc)
+-    x = long(_julianday(yr,mo,dy)-jd1901) * 86400 + ss
++    x = int(_julianday(yr,mo,dy)-jd1901) * 86400 + ss
+     return x
+ def _calcIndependentSecondEtc(tz, x, ms):
+     # Derive the timezone-independent second from the timezone
+     # dependent second.
+     fsetAtEpoch = _tzoffset(tz, 0.0)
+-    nearTime = x - fsetAtEpoch - long(EPOCH) + 86400L + ms
++    nearTime = x - fsetAtEpoch - int(EPOCH) + 86400 + ms
+     # nearTime is now within an hour of being correct.
+     # Recalculate t according to DST.
+-    fset = long(_tzoffset(tz, nearTime))
++    fset = int(_tzoffset(tz, nearTime))
+     x_adjusted = x - fset + ms
+     d = x_adjusted / 86400.0
+-    t = x_adjusted - long(EPOCH) + 86400L
++    t = x_adjusted - int(EPOCH) + 86400
+     millis = (x + 86400 - fset) * 1000 + \
+-             long(ms * 1000.0) - long(EPOCH * 1000.0)
++             int(ms * 1000.0) - int(EPOCH * 1000.0)
+     s = d - math.floor(d)
+     return s,d,t,millis
+@@ -382,34 +382,34 @@ def _calcYMDHMS(x, ms):
+     return yr,mo,dy,hr,mn,sc
+ def _julianday(yr,mo,dy):
+-    y,m,d=long(yr),long(mo),long(dy)
+-    if m > 12L:
+-        y=y+m/12L
+-        m=m%12L
+-    elif m < 1L:
++    y,m,d=int(yr),int(mo),int(dy)
++    if m > 12:
++        y=y+m/12
++        m=m%12
++    elif m < 1:
+         m=-m
+-        y=y-m/12L-1L
+-        m=12L-m%12L
+-    if y > 0L: yr_correct=0L
+-    else:      yr_correct=3L
+-    if m < 3L: y, m=y-1L,m+12L
+-    if y*10000L+m*100L+d > 15821014L: b=2L-y/100L+y/400L
+-    else: b=0L
+-    return (1461L*y-yr_correct)/4L+306001L*(m+1L)/10000L+d+1720994L+b
++        y=y-m/12-1
++        m=12-m%12
++    if y > 0: yr_correct=0
++    else:      yr_correct=3
++    if m < 3: y, m=y-1,m+12
++    if y*10000+m*100+d > 15821014: b=2-y/100+y/400
++    else: b=0
++    return (1461*y-yr_correct)/4+306001*(m+1)/10000+d+1720994+b
+ def _calendarday(j):
+-    j=long(j)
+-    if(j < 2299160L):
+-        b=j+1525L
++    j=int(j)
++    if(j < 2299160):
++        b=j+1525
+     else:
+-        a=(4L*j-7468861L)/146097L
+-        b=j+1526L+a-a/4L
+-    c=(20L*b-2442L)/7305L
+-    d=1461L*c/4L
+-    e=10000L*(b-d)/306001L
+-    dy=int(b-d-306001L*e/10000L)
+-    mo=(e < 14L) and int(e-1L) or int(e-13L)
+-    yr=(mo > 2) and (c-4716L) or (c-4715L)
++        a=(4*j-7468861)/146097
++        b=j+1526+a-a/4
++    c=(20*b-2442)/7305
++    d=1461*c/4
++    e=10000*(b-d)/306001
++    dy=int(b-d-306001*e/10000)
++    mo=(e < 14) and int(e-1) or int(e-13)
++    yr=(mo > 2) and (c-4716) or (c-4715)
+     return int(yr),int(mo),int(dy)
+ def _tzoffset(tz, t):
+@@ -619,7 +619,7 @@ class DateTimeParser:
+         if not self._multipleZones:
+             return self._localzone0
+         fsetAtEpoch = _tzoffset(self._localzone0, 0.0)
+-        nearTime = x - fsetAtEpoch - long(EPOCH) + 86400L + ms
++        nearTime = x - fsetAtEpoch - int(EPOCH) + 86400 + ms
+         # nearTime is within an hour of being correct.
+         try:
+             ltm = safelocaltime(nearTime)
+@@ -631,7 +631,7 @@ class DateTimeParser:
+             yr,mo,dy,hr,mn,sc = _calcYMDHMS(x, 0)
+             yr = ((yr - 1970) % 28) + 1970
+             x = _calcDependentSecond2(yr,mo,dy,hr,mn,sc)
+-            nearTime = x - fsetAtEpoch - long(EPOCH) + 86400L + ms
++            nearTime = x - fsetAtEpoch - int(EPOCH) + 86400 + ms
+             ltm = safelocaltime(nearTime)
+         tz = self.localZone(ltm)
+         return tz
+--- src/zope/datetime/	2011-11-29 16:29:14 UTC
++++ src/zope/datetime/
+@@ -1178,23 +1178,23 @@ historical_zone_info = {
+ def dumpTimezoneInfo(_data):
+-    print "historical_zone_info = {"
++    print("historical_zone_info = {")
+-    items = _data.items()
++    items = list(_data.items())
+     items.sort()
+     for key, value in items:
+         v1, v2, v3, ilist, bitmap, two_by_three, two_nullterm = value
+-        print "'%s': ('%s', %s, %s," % (key, v1, v2, v3)
+-        print "[",
++        print("'%s': ('%s', %s, %s," % (key, v1, v2, v3))
++        print("[", end=' ')
+         while ilist:
+             next_5, ilist = ilist[:5], ilist[5:]
+             line = ", ".join(["'%s'" % x for x in next_5])
+-            print "%s," % line
+-        print "], "
+-        print "%s," % repr(bitmap)
+-        print "%s, %s)," % (repr(two_by_three), repr(two_nullterm))
++            print("%s," % line)
++        print("], ")
++        print("%s," % repr(bitmap))
++        print("%s, %s)," % (repr(two_by_three), repr(two_nullterm)))
+-    print "}"
++    print("}")
+ if __name__ == '__main__':
+     dumpTimezoneInfo(historical_zone_info)