Re: git: 64aadd615ca1 - main - www/dokuwiki: Mark IGNORE with PHP 8.0 or later

From: Matthias Fechner <>
Date: Wed, 02 Feb 2022 15:05:03 UTC
Am 02.02.2022 um 16:02 schrieb Yasuhiro Kimura:
>      www/dokuwiki: Mark IGNORE with PHP 8.0 or later
>      Current latest release of DokuWiki isn't compatible with PHP 8.
>      Development is currently underway by upstream, and it seems to be
>      expected that new version that supports PHP 8 will be released before
>      the EoL of PHP 7.4. But anyway mark IGNORE with PHP 8.0 or later for
>      now.

this is not true, I have it running here with php8.0 without any problems.



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